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RBO Multichannel (12-Channel) Micropipettes

Manufacturer: Microlit, India.

High precision micropipette that offers a sophisticated blend of features and functionality.

Key Features:

  • Universal tipcone is compatible with various tips.
  • Easily tips ejecting with in-built, streamlined tip ejector.
  • A soft click sound of plunger for for perfect volume adjustment and to prevent accidental changes.
  • Operate Flexibly due to 360° rotation of the lower housing.
  • Assured quality with ISO 8655 conformed calibration.
  • Fully autoclavable at 121°C and for a duration of 10-15 minute.
  • Prominently used for імуноферментного аналізу, молекулярного скринінгу, кінетичних досліджень, ампліфікації ДНК.


Technical specifications:

Model Volume range, µl Increase step, µl Accuracy, ± µl CV, %
RBO-MCA-12/10 0,5-10 0,02 0,16 1
RBO-MCA-12/20 2-20 0,02 0,16 0,4
RBO-MCA-12/50 5-50 0,1 0,4 0,4
RBO-MCA-12/100 10-100 0,2 0,8 0,3
RBO-MCA-12/200 20-200 0,2 1,6 0,3
RBO-MCA-12/300 40-300 0,2 2,4 0,3

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